SIA “Lameko Impex” Participation in Trade Missions in Japan and South Korea
From 24September 2012 to 6 December 2012, SIA “Lameko Impex” participated in two external market development activities – trade missions in Japan and South Korea, during which meetings with foreign partners were held.
From 24 to 28 September, the company took part in the “Construction and Building Technology Business Mission” in Tokyo, Japan, which was organized within the framework of the EU Gateway program.
From 2 to 6December 2012, the company participated in the trade mission in South Korea organized by the IDAL.
The main objective of both trade missions was promotion of high value added products in foreign markets. The project was successfully implemented and the objective was achieved.
A trip to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia and Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry took place from 23 April to 3 May. The purpose of the trip was to promote economic co-operation and meet potential partners.
From 10-15March the company together with the Latvian government delegation and Prime Minister visited the Gulf countries – United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait,where it took part in business forums. The trip was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia and Latvian Investment and Development Agency.
The project was supported by the European Union.